Thursday, July 30, 2020

Annual Event: 2020 Home Owner's Achievements and Outcomes

The board has been working continuously to enhance the community, improving the financial status of the HOA for future community projects and striving to update the current infrastructure and provide better security. Below is an outline of prioritized action items requested by the home owners who attended the 2019 annual meeting and the outcomes achieved by the board.

  • Preparing a list of maintenance items that should be scheduled for every common area, dilapidated home, or gate. EX: Every common area should be maintained on a regular schedule (Power washing, Tree trimming, light bulbs replaced, etc.)
    OUTCOME: Currently fixing the damaged side walks. Power washed common area sidewalks as needed. The gates are from when community was built and obsolete. The board is in dis- cussion with vendors to replace the gates before they fail again.

  • Increasing participation at Board Meetings by allowing RR Cross- timbers Homeowners to attend HOA meetings remotely using whatever communication channel makes sense for the community.
    OUTCOME: Every meeting since March has been virtual and “Zoom” meetings are now the preferred platform due to its ease of use. We are still learning how to time box these meetings and enable live survey voting etc.

  • Hosting annual neighborhood pride events and working with other neighboring commmunities to clean up the greenways and hiking trails, etc.
    OUTCOME: A GoFundMe fundraiser page has been established for our new-joint-community hiking trail to access the Salado Creek Greenway (SCG). Check it out here:

  • Addressing complaints that our current communication methods are not ideal. Our current “Pull” communication strategy requires RR Crosstimbers home owners to “opt in” to email only notification. 
    OUTCOME: Upgrading to a new smart phone compliant portal that will be released in time for voting in the annual HOA meeting.

  • Building a better strategy to stay in touch with the needs of our community.
    OUTCOME: Expanded the board to 7 members because we felt that 5 members cannot keep track of all the items that need attention for 648 families without more help. Please respond and help prepare our community for the next decade. Pick a cause, bring a friend, and join us to diligently spur some positive changes for the better.

  • Pursuing a healthier return on investment with a small portion of our investment capital.
    OUTCOME: We were operating at a 3% or less growth model year over year with our past portfolio. Board worked with a financial firm to established a low risk investment account in which $200K we moved on 6/25/2020 returned 1% in the first few weeks. We are headed toward achieving our goal of a 3 to 6 % growth rate annually! 

We are proud of our large and diverse Shavano Rogers Ranch Crosstimber community and we will continue to work on improving and maintaining high standards for the community.

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Some people will never change. When they show you who they are, believe them

Sent to HOA Board members and fellow former committee members on 10/7/2021, Our HOA board president thinks that new wrought iron gates that ...